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- 12.27.2022
Maya's Reading List
December 27th 2022
Here at Spice Capital, we’re focused on making big bets in areas primed for rapid change. To do that, we believe it’s important to stay up to date with what some of the most exciting thinkers and builders are saying day-to-day as well as mixing up your content intake with some fun from the corners of the internet. We know there’s a lot of noise and the space can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry! We’re here to be the Hot Sauce in your bag so you can make sure you always keep things spicy!

1. The best AI newsletter to keep you up to date on this fast-moving space. Ben does a roundup list of new projects every day.
2. David Phelps reflects on FTX and lays out the state of crypto today - fav passage below -->
"Investors were so right that they made themselves wrong. They bet on the right industry so forcefully that they destroyed it for years to come. This is, in some ways, a regurgitation of Carlota Perez’s argument in Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital that bubbles aren’t a product of investors betting on wrong industries, but rather betting on the right industries in such volume and mass that valuations soar past the point of attainable returns. "
3. Into the Ambaniverse - thought this was a cool visualization - as Mukesh Ambani is one of the wealthiest in India with a net worth of over $90B with his hands in almost every sector in the country. As India's population creeps up to China's - I'm constantly fascinated by what the power brokers have in store in South Asia!
4. Rewind.AI scans everything on your laptop and lets you search it across different apps, docs, etc.
5. Loved this article. Essentially, a guy trained a chatbot to run through all past Huberman podcasts so that you can ask any questions to the bot and get responses back in Huberman's tone based on everything he has discussed over hours of interviews with experts. The article paints a future where there will be "AI versions of every single person" and brings up implications of having someone's digital identity cloned...
Who will have the best training data?
Will you be able to sell off your "verified" training data? (@web3!!)
Does it even matter? Will provenance become more important than individual celebrity/identity? Will the next wave of "influencers" be an amalgamation of the best training data in one vertical?